
Automation for lead nurture and lead management


By Jack Beaudoin

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” the futurist and sci-fi writer Arthur C. Clarke once wrote. He was obviously talking about lead nurturing and management—right?

The last decade has seen a ton of technological wizardry all trying to solve the same challenge: In this hypercompetitive digital era, how can businesses attract, nurture and retain new customers?

The buyer’s journey is complex. Researchers report that leads encounter between five and ten marketing touches on their purchasing path. Encouraging your leads to progress down the sales funnel—qualifying them, converting them to prospects, and ultimately to customers—while tracking their engagement and touchpoints across different channels is a huge challenge.

Fortunately, lead management automation can supply a little magic of its own. By eliminating the need to duplicate or manually enter data into different marketing tools, automating your lead nurture can boost your productivity and keep your leads and current customers engaged with your brand. Read more

Keywords #automation

Published on the Zapier Blog.

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