
Bush’s backing of digital medical records seen as boost to healthcare


By Jack Beaudoin

The push for an electronic health record received a major boost Tuesday when President George W. Bush identified a computerized patient record as part of the cure for the nation’s healthcare woes.

Bush’s views on the need for 21st century healthcare technology came in what’s considered his most important political speech of the year – the nationally televised State of the Union Address before a joint session of Congress. Analysts say an estimated 60 million Americans tuned into the primetime address on Jan. 20. Bush’s healthcare IT remark was brief but to the point: By computerizing health records,” he said, we can avoid dangerous medical mistakes, reduce costs, and improve care.” Read more

Keywords #healthit #politics

Published at HealthcareITNews.com.

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Healthcare IT News was founded in 2003 by Neil Rouda and Jack Beaudoin. Today, it is the industry’s authoritative source covering the people, policy and technology driving next-generation healthcare in the U.S. and throughout the world. With hundreds of thousands of visitors each month, it is the place healthcare decision-makers go for timely, actionable news and analysis on the ever-changing health and healthcare landscape.

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